About Me

me 1I always wanted to be a homebody and live in one place for my entire life, but fate had other plans. In the past twelve years of my married life, we’ve moved seven times, including from one coast to the other. Southern New Jersey is home now and I love it.  I have two young children, a husband who begrudgingly pays for my ebook addiction, and two dogs that think they’re people. After college, I spent eight years as an executive assistant before “retiring” at twenty-seven to become a stay-at-home mom. I have a soft spot for self-published authors, Ghirardelli chocolate, muscle cars, and men with tattoos.  Most people who know me don’t know I have a tattoo of a tiger on my hip or that I have an unhealthy obsession with The Simpsons.

I love sunsets, several cups of coffee in the morning, and I absolutely cannot live without books. When I’m not busy with my family, you’ll find me sitting at my desk working on any number of projects, including reading, reviewing, and writing.

I adore talking to fans and other authors, so please write to me!  You can email me at rebutlerauthor@gmail, find me on twitter @rebutlerauthor, or join me on Facebook at R.E.ButlerAuthorPage.

You’ll find my best-selling Wolf’s Mate, Wiccan-Were-Bear, Necklace Bride, Ashland Pride, and Hyena Heat series books on sale at Smashwords, B&N, Apple iBookstore, Diesel, Kobo, and Amazon.

I’m a proud member of Romance Writers of America.

43 comments on “About Me

    • Thanks for stopping by, Debbie! I have six books in the Wolf’s Mate series, and (hopefully) a few spin-offs from some different characters as well. Book 2 is with my beta right now, I can’t wait to get to editing! Thanks again, I’m so glad you loved TWM1. Best, R

  1. HI!! I have read the first two werebear novellas and The wolfs mate. I am about to start on Daeton’s story and I am super stoked. I have recently stumbled upon what I like to call Native American Paranormal Romance.. and I’m am hooked. I was wondering if you had any suggestions for interesting reads? I love your stories and whilst i am waiting for your next books I’d like to have something to fill my time 🙂 If you have any suggestions please let me know. Thank you for your time and your wonderful stories. Keep it up!!

    • Hi Nancy! I’m so glad you liked both series! To be honest, I don’t know that I have ever read any paranormal native american romances (except mine of course). I searched on amazon, and there seem to be a good number of them, but whether they are good or not would be up to the reader. If you find any, let me know! It’s part of the reason I wrote the wiccan series in the first place – I couldn’t find that exact combo of native american shifter and sexy witch. 🙂 I do love shifter novels. Some of my favorite authors are Bianca D’Arc, Laurann Dohner, and Shelley Laurenston. Best, R

  2. Hello – I just got my nook and found your books Bear Claw and A Flash of Fang and I have to say I really enjoyed them my only complaint is I cant get A price for a Princess untill get goes to Barnes & Noble do you know when that will be? I also just read your reveiws on the Mate series so I will be getting those books also. I hope you write fast because I love to read and I usually read a book a night and since I really like yours I have read them twice can’t wait for the the next story about ashe and axe brothers hurry I need something good to read : ) Have a wonderful day and keep them coming .

    • Hi Shawnnita! I’m so glad you enjoyed Claw & Fang! Princess, unfortunately won’t be out to the Nook store for several more weeks (due to processing delays). The first two wolf books are available on Nook now, the third will hopefully be available in August. They can all be purchased for any device on the smashwords site as well. 🙂 A book a night? I’m so impressed! If you like Goodreads, I’m on there as well, we can compare reading lists! I’m so glad you stopped by….I’m writing as fast as I can! Best, R

  3. Just read Callie’s story and was so happy for her character to find her happily ever after – she deserved it. But after falling in love with Jason and Cadence in the first of this series, I’m so sad for how they were portrayed in this book and the way their relationship was denigrated. I know that’s probably more like real life, but don’t we all prefer to think of our beloved characters in forever bliss?

    • Hi Kat! When I was writing the story, I knew that the pull of Callie and Cades relationship wouldn’t lend itself to staying whole as it had been, especially with the lions’ need to stay with their families. Although hard (it was one of the more difficult things I’ve written), it was necessary for there to be a clean break of things and to let them go their own separate ways. If Callie had always had a foothold back in Allen, she wouldn’t have been able to thrive in Ashland, and I needed her to be able to rely on them and for them to know that she only wanted them. Jason and Cadence aren’t done yet. They appear in Michael’s story (which should be out in October) as well as in future stories as they’re planned. Yes, forever bliss is a wonderful thing, but I went at their story realistically because I felt like they both deserved that. Hope you don’t mind my long winded explanation. 🙂 Thanks for commenting! All the best, R

  4. I found your books on amazon one afternoon and absolutly loved them. You are a talented writer. Your books have brought me a lot of enjoyment and keep up the good job. Oh the love making scenes are fantastic they work well with the story thanks again

  5. I have read all your books I could find on amazon. I loved them all and can’t wait for the other stories. I think my husband likes me reading them, too. Thanks

  6. Never ever, ever, ever, ever stop writing! Die hard fan to the end. So excited to read Wolf Mate 4! Love your work…and write faster 😉

  7. Wow! I love all your books, I just like how you write your characters with such thought and care. While the storyline makes me want to never stop reading! And the way you write about the supernatural is amazing. Every time you release a new book I immediately buy it and fall in love with the new set of characters! Like the new book, I love Michael and so happy he found his mate. Plus I get a update on how the other characters are doing! I already look forward to the new book. 🙂

  8. Thanks for the great book and I am so glad you were safe during the storm! Was wondering if Book 4 will come out for nook anytime soon or should I buy it with amazon. I have your other books on my nook and I would like to keep them all in the same place….but then again I want to read book 4 ASAP! let me know. 🙂 thanks!!

  9. May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill, And may the year ahead be full of contentment and joy. Have a Merry Christmas

  10. Hi,
    I just start reading the third book from the tressel pack und really like your storys. I allready got the other two abloaded on my kindle. I like to know, there are more books just waiting for me. There so much more nice read on english then on german in that style.
    I hope for more books about the wolfes und send Greetings from coast of the Baltic Sea in the north of germany und a happy new year!

    • Greetings to you from the East Coast of the US! How cool! I’m very glad that you’ve found my books and that you’ve enjoyed the wolves. I hope to write 2 more wolf books this year and then we’ll see where the series goes from there. Thank you so much for writing! Happy New Year to you, too!

  11. I love all the books!!! I have read everything that I could find. When will the next set of books come out for all of the series? I cant wait!!!:)

    • Hi Brandie! Thank you so much for commenting! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the books! The first in the mountain lion series will be out in February, then I have tentatively scheduled the next wiccan story for March and the next wolf story for April. Stay tuned to the blog for updates!

  12. I love all of your books and have read each one since getting my Kindle for Christmas. I was curious as to when the next Wolf Mate book will be released along with the Hyena series.


    • Hi AJ! The next book due out in The Wolf’s Mate series will be Logan’s, and it should be out in mid-May. I’m not sure when the next hyena heat book will be out, but I hope to have either a HH or a mountain lion book out at some point this summer. Thanks for stopping by!

  13. I recently just got all of your Wolf Mate books and finished all of them in less than a week, I loved them all! That is why I got the spin off books. I would like to tell you that you’re now one of my favorite authors.

  14. I just finished your Wicca -Were-Bear series and I loved it! I was just wondering if Rysk and Tyrant were getting a book? I saw on your author facebook page that the inspiration for Rysk was Randy Morton and now that I read the book I can see him as that role.

    • I’m so glad to hear that you have enjoyed the wiccan -were-bear series! Yes, I do have plans for Rysk and Tyrant to have a book, but I’m not sure when it will come about. I’d like to write about them, as well as others in the Medes Realm, including the servant girls and some of the centaurs. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Best, RE

    • Thanks, Kez! I’m honored that you read my books so quickly! 🙂 I hope to have a book out in July (2nd Hyena Heat) and one in August (Ashland Pride) but I haven’t made any official publication plans so I can’t speculate on specific dates yet. I’ll post on the blog and FB when I know for sure, though. Thanks for stopping by the blog! Best, RE

  15. Omg I love your books I’ve read them all,
    I was wondering when the next ashland pride book was going to be released and if there was a 2nd Hyena heat.
    Ooooooh I hope there is as I’d like to hear more about all the brothers from Asland pride finding their one true mate xx

    • Thank you Kelly! I’m so glad that you’ve enjoyed the books. I’m hopeful to have the 2nd hyena heat book out in July and the 2nd Ashland book out in August, but I haven’t made any firm publication dates yet. I’ll post here on the blog when I know for sure. 🙂

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