Wolf’s Mate Book Trailer Debut and Melo Excerpt & Release News!

Happy March! I’m working diligently with my editor Jen on the sixth Wiccan-Were-Bear book, A Twitch of Tail, which is Melo’s story. Poor guy had to wait fifteen months to get his story!  I’m slating the book for publication at the end of this month. I don’t have a firm date yet, but it will be within the next three to four weeks. Stay tuned to the blog and my FB page for details. In the meantime, here’s an exclusive excerpt to whet your appetite for my favorite white tiger, that takes place in the kitchen of Midas, the tiger king.

A Twitch of Tail (Wiccan-Were-Bear #6)

Silence settled between them for several moments. Tera had the distinct feeling that Midas was going to ask her something, but he mumbled thank you and walked out of the kitchen quickly.

She took a sip of coffee, thinking it would be ironic if he asked her out, considering she didn’t think he was either of the men in her dreams. How does one go about turning down the tiger king? Probably very, very carefully and from a great distance.

Making a face because he didn’t put enough creamer into the coffee, she stood and went to the large stainless steel refrigerator and pulled the door open. The shelves were stuffed full of containers and jars, and she bent over, trying to figure out where a tiger king puts his creamer. She heard a door open and shut somewhere behind her, but she was too preoccupied pushing containers around to see who it was.

“Success!” she said, grinning triumphantly as she pulled the small container of creamer from the fridge and shut the door.

She heard twin growls, low and deep, and turned quickly to see two large men stalk into the kitchen towards her. Despite their size, their bulky bodies moved gracefully towards her, and she straightened against the fridge door. One man had long, curly blond hair, and the other had the same color hair but cut short. They were without shirts and shoes, wearing only jeans that showcased muscular legs. Her mouth went dry as her eyes roamed over them quickly. Part of her thought she was gathering details to give to a police sketch artist, and the other part of her felt like she already knew who they were.

They closed in on her, towering over her with just feet between them, and she looked up, up, up their bodies to their handsome faces. She tried to calm her flying pulse and take in slower breaths, but her body had a mind of its own. Her heart insisted on pounding in her chest like a trapped bird, and she couldn’t stop panting for air that smelled suddenly wild and sweet.

They reached their hands out to her at the same time, and the moment their hands wrapped around her upper arms, everything clicked into place in her mind and her heart. Overwhelmed with sensations, her eyes rolled back in her head and everything went dark, as one word rolled through her mind: mates.

**Coming Soon**

And my most delicious news to-date…I have a book trailer!  My cover designer, Ramona, is spreading her creative wings and doing book trailers.  I had SO much fun working with her on this.  I had always wanted to do one, but never had the skills or time to put one together.  Ramona, as always, was an absolute joy to work with and I highly recommend giving her a shout if you’re in need of a cover or a book trailer.  Or both!  You can find her site by clicking on the link here or on the permanent link on the right of the blog.

I hope you enjoy the trailer!  Happy Friday!  XOXO, RE

28 comments on “Wolf’s Mate Book Trailer Debut and Melo Excerpt & Release News!

  1. Yes hopefully she’s able to proof read & edit it quickly. I need this book asap. I liked Melo in the first book he was kinda sad when Elizabeth mates weren’t him. Nice trailer by the way I thought it was cute. Can’t wait for Logan’s story or the cover since it wasn’t in the trailer lols.

    • Thanks for the compliments! I haven’t gotten Logan’s cover done yet, but it will be on an updated release of the trailer closer to the release date for his book, which will be late April/early May. I’m anxious for Melo’s book to come out, so I promise I’m working as fast as I can! 🙂

  2. Love IT!!! Chica I really do not know how you do it but keep on doing it! looking to reading this book!!

  3. I love your writing style and I cannot get enough! I’ve read each of your books more than once and am super excited for your next book. Thank you so much for sharing your imagination with the rest of us.

    • Hi Eileen! Thank you so much for your sweet compliments! I’m so glad you’re looking forward to the next book, I’m really excited to have it out, too. Best, RE

  4. I can’t wait I’ve been having withdraws and rereading all your other series that I have, you have your own personal shelve on my nook just for your series all broke down. If you want to give me a great birthday present a good release date would be March 19 lol. Please keep on writing because you our one of my favorite authors and I really enjoy the books even on a bad day you can make me smile. Can’t wait to look at the trailer yea for you and your awesome helper. Tell her Thanks just gives me one more place to look at stuff. Did you every think about doing like a jewelry line or clothing line it would be so cool. Okay one step at a time lol. Have a good day and week RE.

    • That is so amazing, Shawnnita! I’m honored to have a personal shelf! 🙂 I’m afraid I won’t be able to push the book ahead of your b-day, but I wish you a really excellent birthday in advance! You fill my head with wonderful ideas! Thanks so much! All the best, RE

  5. cant wait till wolf mate and were bear new book come out read all the rest of them tham thay are wiked keep up the good work xx

    • Not yet, Tracy! Melo’s book is first in line, which will hopefully be out in the next two-three weeks, and then I’ll teaser/cover release Logan’s book in early April. 🙂

  6. Just finished reading Melo’s story. Love it keep up the great work , am looking forward for many more night of great reading.

  7. Can’t wait for Logan’s story in Wolf’s Mate! Have all in the series so far & have loved them all. Anxiously awaiting Logan’s story. 🙂

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