It’s Early! Every Night Forever is Out & the Contest is Still Going!

Every Night Forever Final Copy copySometimes, planning ahead is a very good thing.  It was much to my surprise when I got a notice from Amazon that Every Night Forever had gone live already!  I thought – I can’t sit on this for a whole twenty-two hours!  So instead of twiddling my thumbs, I’ve decided to announce the book’s release.

The comment contest is still going on until Thursday, December 6th at noon, so please…leave me a comment HERE if you haven’t already, there are lots of prizes to give away!

If you can’t wait until tomorrow and want to buy Every Night Forever today and you happen to win one of the prizes tomorrow (which all include a copy of the book), I will give you a copy of the next book in The Wolf’s Mate series, which is coming out in early January.

You can buy Every Night Forever (Hyena Heat One) on Amazon HERE or on Smashwords HERE for 2.99.  As a gift from me to you, if you buy the book from Smashwords, you can use the below coupon for $2.00 off, so the book will be a cool 99 cents.  The coupon is good through Sunday the 9th, so don’t delay!  You can use Smashwords to download the book for any device, from Kindle to Nook.


I wouldn’t be able to bring you the books that I do without the support of amazing people like my editor, Alexis.  Where would I be without an awesome editor?  Ummm….still trying to edit by my lonesome, that’s where!  Alexis Arendt of Word Vagabond edited the book for me, and it was her eagle eye and grammatical know-how that kept me on my toes and helped this book to become the gem that I believe it is.  Thank you so much, Alexis!  If you need an editor, look her up by clicking HERE or clicking the permanent link on the right side of the blog.

I want to thank my very amazing, sweet beta-reader Jacq McNeill, who knows my characters so well and is always happy to let me bounce ideas off her.  She reads my drafts again and again, and I admire and greatly appreciate her dedication….Alex G for keeping a handle on my Facebook page….Ramona of Romance Book Cover Designs for the fantastic cover…and to all of you, who have encouraged me to continue writing, with the sweet emails and comments on the blog, twitter, and Facebook – thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I hope you all enjoy the first in the Hyena Heat series, and I look forward to reading all of your comments for the contest.  All the best, RE

30 comments on “It’s Early! Every Night Forever is Out & the Contest is Still Going!

  1. RE
    I think I am with Meghean because I have everyone of your books they make me smile, laugh, and just want someone like that I really have to say if you quit writing I am going to have to find another favorite author. So off to my Nook I go to get your book Every Night Forever, Because I will download it and then wait again for it to come out on the nook and buy it again because when my Nook crashed I lost all my books I downloaded from Smashword so now I do both lol at least I am happy. Can’t wait to for your next Wolf Mate book either time sure goes slow when your waiting for a book. LOL Have a great day.


    • You’re so sweet Shawnnita! I would flip if I lost books from my kindle! Yikes! I’m so glad you were able to figure out how to stop that from happening again. In another month, you’ll have Bo…January will be here before you know it!

      • Just downloaded my book yea now to make my girls and hubby leave me alone to read it lol not to mention I am leaving work early so I can start it when I get home I will let you know what I think in the morning. But if it is like the rest of your books there will be nothing but very good comments : )

  2. Hot damn! I’m ready for more 🙂 just bought it and will so be reading it tonight! I’m such a kid in a candy store with your books!!!!!!!!

  3. I just finished reading it. Wow I love this story. I fell in love with the hyenas. I can’t wait for the next book. Hoping that maybe somewhere in the series there is a female hyena story to be told.

  4. Just finished it. I have to say this book definitely redeemed the Stone brothers big time. I can’t wait for book two in this series. I’m kinda confused as to how Orion’s clan can mate with a already mated wolf, but I guess I’ll get those answers when it released. Your books never disappoint me. I’ve read them all & loved every last one.

  5. I loved this book. I’ve already read and reread it, that’s how good it was. Can’t wait for the next hyena book. I love all your books but this one was the best for me.

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