New Series Teaser – The Tribe’s Bride

It is with a big smile and ton of excitement that I announce the debut of my newest novella series, The Necklace Chronicles, which will hit Smashwords and Amazon on July 25th for 99 cents.  The first in the series is titled, The Tribe’s Bride.  The official description and amazing cover are below:

The Tribe’s Bride (The Necklace Chronicles Book 1)

When a university job interview goes south, Carrie Wade isn’t certain that she’ll ever find work in her field of ancient Native American Culture.  Knowing the only job waiting for her is waitressing at a coffee-house, Carrie indulges in a post-disappointment shopping trip.  An old necklace in an antique store window catches her eye and she immediately feels as if she cannot walk away without owning it.  The very last thing she needs to do is squander her savings by investing in a necklace that may have, at one time, belonged to one of the tribes she studied…but she can’t help herself.

When she tries on the precious necklace at home, she passes out and wakes up in the tent of the necklace’s original owners, three Native American tribesmen from the late 1600s.  Will she be able to get back home to the future or will she find out that the one place she was always meant to be was back in time as the tribe’s bride?

This novella contains m/f/m/m interaction, three handsome brothers that will do anything for each other and their woman, and a magical necklace that brings them all together.

* * * * * *

I’ve always said that an author can’t be an island.  Although self-publishing makes it easy for anyone with a computer and a book idea to publish, it doesn’t mean that you really can do it alone.  I majored in English in college and would have been an English teacher if I’d finished (hmmm….that’s a long story for another time).  I’d like to think I can write a grammatically perfect book, but that’s not really possible.  For so long, I’ve leaned on my beta reader/editor/cover designer extraordinaire, Kameko Gay, and I still am abusing her good nature with my Wolf and Wiccan series.  But the one thing I couldn’t do was wait for those series to be finished so I could start another one, because frankly, I don’t see them ending anytime soon!  It’s been a long road for me to come to the point where I’ve made enough contacts in the “business” that are willing to work with an independent (“indie”) author like myself.  This new time-travel novella series wouldn’t be possible without the help of two very wonderful groups of pros….

My amazing cover?  It’s courtesy of the artistic minds at Deer Watson Media (Go to their Goodreads page here for contact info).  With amazingly fast results, they produced a custom-made cover using details from the book and were not only extremely courteous and professional, but really, really reasonable.

I went the way of professional editing this time around and I couldn’t be happier.  Handing the reins over to a professional allowed me to write more instead of focusing on editing.  I can’t thank Alexis Arendt at Word Vagabond enough.  You can contact her company here.  I’m glad I did!

Stay tuned.  On July 23rd, I’ll be hosting a giveaway.  Four lucky commenters will win a free e-copy of the book when it debuts on the 25th.  Thanks for stopping by, and as always, Happy, Happy Reading!  Best, R